Monday, November 12, 2007
fun new test!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
humans are strange, very mch so.
Why can't we be straightup with our feelings? why do some of us feel less, so much more? Why is it all so confusing, why can't the world tell us what is going on, why can't i know why i am here? Tell some one , god damnit, i beesech you all for a answer, i am tired living in an illusion, played by all when creating life, or by whatever great diety controls us all, just tell me, for i swear i won't play this putrid game anylonger, i will break the rules of life, i shall get away from it, and i shall win!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
my thoughts (prepare for a LOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGG ramble)
Well as we were starting, we were looking at an overview and were asked what dignity was. So we went on about it. Then the student teacher told us about " inter something" value. She said it was that we humans had value for being us. Unlike material possessions like diamonds, which had value because we gave them value. So then Nathan Davis -the class clown, who tries to ask random questions a lot, just for laughs. Or attention, because some are good points- asked " Do animals have the inter whachamajigger word?", I had already been thinking this. But the teacher told us no. They could not think, that they were not as advanced. Neither Nathan nor i agreed with this. After class we argued More with her. We pointed out They cared for young, they could build systems of social status and hierarchy. She then told us " But do they do that because of a conscience(Sp?), or instinct?", and, "can they think, and realize they are thinking, like we can".
I was appalled by this, she was saying that they were stupid,ignorant, creatures in a way. I mean, a lion, it could kill many upon many of its prey, but in the end doesn't it kill only a few? Just because it has to, so it can survive? We humans do that, heck we kill just for sport, but no one minds,at all because " Its for sport.". Yet if we have domesticated animals -instead of others like undomesticated birds,deer, etc.- like dogs fight, or we kill them, it is considered "inhumane". We can kill animals like cows, for their skin, and pigs, so we can make footballs and prada purses, and other items. And get their meat to eat as an extra. We humans are so greedy and selfish, and obsessed with material possessions, that we get the stuff that is okay to take, because it helps us to survive. I realize much of what animals do is instinct, but isn't instinct part of much of our lifestyle? In the more primal activities of it. doesn't instinct come in in football, or sports like that. Or even during desperate times, like life threatening. Also when we are in trouble. We humans are prone to using instinct just as much. But are we to say that the creation of a situational hierarchy within a pack of wolves, were one is the leader, is instinct? that would be to say how all leaders come into power in our world is instinct! I refuse to agree with that.
And to say that an animal cannot think, and realize it. I wish to know, how can we know? we cannot read their minds. We say that when a dog sits and stares at the moon, it is thinking, but it can't know it is. How do we know its thoughts aren't much like ours? Wondering whether or not in space their are other creature's as it stares into the sky, wondering if we will meet them, and if they will be kind or not, will they be dog like, or human like?Then suddenly thinking to itself "Why am i thinking about this?", Much like we humans do from time to time. We can say that those who are mentally retarded, and is lesser in intelligence than a monkey -who shares similar characteristics with humans, and differs by only 3% D.N.A- can think and realize it, yet the monkey cannot. The whole idea is purely hypocritical.
Also if these idea's were to be true, then would that say that when we were under Britain's rule, we had no value. That slaves in those times had no value? But that would be contradicting her statement since she says all humans have value for who they are. But how she says animals have no value, is to say in the time when people were slaves, they had no value either.
Another student who was agreeing with the teacher mentioned that the animal's cannot communicate like us. This was the most absurd comment i had heard. dogs communicate with dogs, cats are known to have different meanings for different meows. Heck, some species of animals are able to fully communicate with other species and -peacefully- interact. That is more than can be said for humans. We do not communicate with other species, we merely teach them, like for dog "Raised hand means sit", nor can we even communicate peacefully with other humans. So animals are defiantly on par with us there.
All of this was rushing through my head as i walked home. I was staring towards the ground, thinking and thinking about this. Until i spotted a beetle, a minuscule stupid, tiny brained beetle, or is it. Scientists say that the sizes of a humans rain does not affect their knowledge, so why cant this apply to other animals? They say that because a insects brain is tiny, it is stupid. Yet ants run when they see us attacking them, they fix their anthills when damaged, and build complex societies. Who is to say that the small insects we kill daily, couldn't be on a thinking level on par to our own?
Are scientist's and humans so hypocritical that that say one thing about humans, and state that it also applies to other animals, but only when it makes us seem better. Although if it comes to something like brain sizes not affecting intelligence for humans -even though by what they say it should apply ot all animals- it doesn't apply to insects. But if what they say about insects small brains making them dumb, shouldn't elephants, and whale be some of the smartest creatures we ever saw.
Also we humans are known to only ever use ten percent of our brains in a lifetime. Maybe other animals use more of their brains, and it puts them on par with us. I believe we are not better than other animals because our adaptations have given us a edge against them. Because we think on different levels(or so e think). But i believe because we are so arrogant, so violent, so hypocritical, that we are worse. When it boils down to it, is it goat burps, or humans and technology causing more damage to our ozone layer. And if you believe it is the goat, you are so completely hypocritical and arrogant, i wish you never to read my blog again.
It is amazing how much this event is affecting me. Most historical event i take no heed, no care of. Yet the holocaust, it is different. Why? Why is that when i think about what Adolph Hitler did, all the millions that died, i get angry unlike i ever had? Why is it that when i think about Adolph, i hate him for what he did, but i can see that he was in no Way a bad leader, no to do what he did, he was a brilliant leader! Is it because when i first started to learn about it last year, i was very emotionally unstable, about to commit suicide, even trying with pills a few times? Or maybe Anne Frank. Yes she is probably one of the bigger reasons.
I believe i resemble her, in many ways. She had it all before, nothing was missing, yet she says she felt empty at times. She was self critical, she was able to think much more deeply than most thirteen year olds do. I think i will find the two or three entries that hit me, yes i will find it soon, and put it on.
It is strange though, nothing has ever really hit me this much, inspired such emotions of hatred, anger, sadness, happiness in me. I wish to learn More and more, i plan on renting books, i believe i will read all of Anne's dairy. For that is all i can do to learn about her. I almost wish she existed now - in our day and time- because i believe, the two of us would be able to get close.
Although, maybe in all of this, i am just over thinking things, proving points laid by my teacher and peer. Could they have an argument to back this up? Maybe , but i firmly believe what i say. and i shall defiantly learn all i can about the holocaust. So expect many more entries pertaining to these subjects.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Skirts, Life, Grounding, And other things i feel like ramblin bout right now.
Okay on thurday last week i got a kagome outfit, and it feels great. Friday was a horrid day, i woke up feeling great, but all in all everything slowly went wrong, i just felt horrible most of the day. Then after golden quill me adn laura were waiting for y grandma. But she was taking forever. In a horrid moment of idiocy i thought she forgot me, and then i decided to walk to laura's and call mom. Well me adn laura walked to her house. Which was entertaining. But then when i called my mom was P-I-S-S-E-D, PISSED, she took away golden quill, grounded me from everything, said no trick or treating with friends, adn no cons this year.
So saturday i worked a lot, adn tehn watched anime all night, not to bad, sunday,meh, nothing happened. Todya was average.
Now hmm what to talk about what to talk about. I know , skirts.
Ah yes, as most know, i am a perv, and i am easily amused. well after getting my kagome outfit, i tried it on, and fell in love with the skirt. It makes me wonder, why dont girls wear skirts more often? I mean they are comfortable, cute, and fun to were, so why dont they?
Lets see now onto whitney holding my headband ransom.
Okay as you know, i went to kings Island with whitney which kicked ass. I lent whitney my leaf akatsuki headband, since she loves it. But then i still haven't got it back, adn now emily has it. She is also holding it for ransom.
Oh well, i will get it back eventually.
There is so much more to talk about, but i am feelig lethargic, so i will wait for a while, and add more tommorow. Hopefully.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
A new line of posts!
Laura is a fun girl. She is smart, kind, and well, compared to most of the ho's,whores,and bitches poluting our school, cute. She has a bit of a temper. Her and I met in what was probaly one of the funnest ways i ever met a person. Around second quarter of Last year i belive, me and a friend were talking, and their friends were nearby, adn laura was hanging out with them. Well i said something, adn she said something that i belived dawned on her. So i responded with something barley realated to it, adn we continues exchanging random words. Thsi was the starts of what is known through are group as a "Random Fight". These are a few adn far between though, but when they happen, well, it is godamned fun. She has a "mild" cussing addiction, and threatining addiction. She usually just mouths the words to make it more dramatic,or because there are lots of people nearby. But she says the words out loud a lot.
She is a bit emo(not really, we just say this to piss her off), she loves scary music, adn reads stephen king books a lot.Realitivly speaking, she is one of my newest friends i have made, since i have only met whitney,Jessica, Emily, and the other tall blonde seventh grader since i met her. But they were all around the same general time.
She has fetishes for climbing tree's, stephen king, other good authors, long books that are painful when hit by, adn contain very pointed covers (THERE'S SUCH A THING AS PAPERBACKS WOMEN!). Her main friends she hangs out with are Clint, who has a crush on her, and lives close by, also who she trusts the most,and hangs out with the most. Maria, who is as i say *puts on gay voice* " Her best girlfriend" *does hand flip*, seh hangs out with her a lot, adn the two have many sleepovers, and due to maria saying " Get off of my laura." Has gotten involved in the ideas of me,clint, and taylor thinking she is part lesbian, along with maria and ashley. Also taylor, they really hang out since us five are a little group right now, we are pretty much a clique withing our own clique. Whitney & seventh graders are others, they hang out around lunch cause we bother the seventh graders before they leave, cause we barley see them the rest of the day. Oh and of course, me!
We have also concluded she was on drugs for sixth grade, adn quite a bit of seventh grade. Due to the fact seh had two boyfriends. One was Josh dragalla(sp?), he is a godzilla obsessed freak, who wears a black sweatshirt, adn a green one most everyday, he is like uber antisocial quiet often. Then her second was Scott, he is into explosions, CSI related things, Science, and stuff abotu nucluear weapons. I have no idea how she got with josh (that bastard has dated so many people, damn bastard, why cant i get a date.). But scott(once again, how does he get dates? I mena why can he, but not I get a date? well besides the hoar megan, but thats not the point? Why cant i get a date adn these tow can>.<>then on the seventh day, brandon could not take it anymore, adn he said " Okay. You like her, she likes you. Make it offcial already damnit!" And they did. So they lasted longer than i belive scott ever did, three weeks(Bastard lost me my bet, coulden't he have made one more week, shows what i get for rooting for him.), then they broke up. soon after came laura's... DA DA DA DA *suspensful music* ... EMO PERIOD. Yup soon after seh went all emo adn would not talk to us,a dn reverted to her old friends, who had stopped talkign to her(which is partially how she ended up with our clique). But hey that was because she was on withdrawl, so thats why she went uber emo. Thsi is why we belive seh is on drugs
I swear i love this girl like a sister, though she has one quality, one above them all , that i love teh most.
She is yet to strangle me adn then dump my body in a lake.
Yup she has not killed me yet, i know she has thought about it, adn after everything i have ever done, i dont blame her. Lets see, i recently stole her scary music, and she is going on withdrawl now. I ahev done evil dares, adn other things like that (making ehr do stripper dance on tree, even though i made her quit, cause i had to teach her the right way, and makin her kiss clint on cheek.) . I have poked her boob(it was a dare, i woulda lost fifty bucks if i didn't...BLAME CHASE!!!). I have made her twitch(what she doe when greatly disturbed) many times. I introduced ehr to clint, bringing out her yoai obsession, adn forcing her true colors as a pervert out. I have done so much, she isso close to killing me, i mean i have printed out her conversation between voice in her head and i am going to give them to friends, jsut to further piss her off. Oh wait, what? You want to see it? Okay!
-------------------------------------------------------------------Laura's con-------------------------------------------------------
Mmkay, so I really don't want to respond to a prompt right now, but I still want to write, so I think that I'll just ramble on about stuff, or maybe transcribe some of the conversations me and the people in my head have.
Mark: Hmm, what are you doing now?
Beatrice: Shut up shut up
Me: What, do you have a hang over or something?
Beatrice: -eyeroll- Bitch.
Mark: Hey, glad you didn't lose Scooby today.
Me: You really have to rub that in, don't you?
Beatrice: No, that's my job.
Me: -eyeroll- Bitch.
Mark: You know, it's good that Beatrice isn't real or else you two would kill each other.
Me & Beatrice: -nodnod-
Mark: That was scary.
Me & Beatrice: -nodnod-
Mark: -twitchs-
Me: That must be where I get that from.
Mark: Perhaps.
Beatrice: Why would you get it from Mark?
Me: Idiot. You two are just representitives of parts of my personality.
Beatrice: Are there any others around here?
Me: Oh, tons.
Beatrice: Any less annoying than you?
Me: -rolls eyes- Tons.
__________________________________end of laura's con____________________________________
Yup there it was, her adn those voices in her head, ahh fun. In case anyone who is reading this needs to know. I found that fine line with laura, adn i am crossing it, so between this and everything else, she is probaly gonna kill me soon, yup ^_^
Pablo: Senor, you are retarded, please get a life.
Me: Pablo , did you break out of my midn because of laura's con?
Pablo: that, adn because its quila's time of the month...
Me: Quila?!?!?!
P: my wife.
P: correct senor.
M:wow, i know so little about those in my mind.
P: Eighteen of us senor.
M: What the hell, okay i am going to end this soon.
P: it is long one senor
M: Well goodbye folks, until i put up mmy next segment on a friend.
P: and remember jump the fences...
Me: What the hell pablo no tellign them to-
_______________________________________transmission interupted, con over___________________
Sunday, October 21, 2007
continuing were i left off.
Though there are times i am tttruly completly soundly happy. I went to kings island with a younger friend, Whitney(who i have a minor crush on-yes i said it laura>.<- oh yeh and our other friend emily was there also). We messed around and went on rides. I played around. doing the sexy girl walk. Then we later met with our third friend jessica, completing the three girls and gay guy for a day(yes i was pretty much gay for a day there) trio. We went all around. And i did the "call me" Symbol all the time. It was just perfect. Then we later go into costumes, messed around. We played in smoke machines, were our cloaks absorbed smoke and then let it fly. I was just truly happy and content. I felt perfect the whole time. We met another cosplayer shanon and her siblings there. She was being "L" and wearing an akatski cloak, like whitney adn jessica were. We all hung out and had fun. I randomly asked people for autographs,marrige. I also pointed to them, doing call me, and pointing to them, then me, then holding arms straight for teh universal symbol for , umm you know whating. It was so fun. I Managed to get hugs from teh three girls, virtually anytime i wanted, and they never would have done that before, i dressed as a blond toushiro. I Just love being at Kings island. It brings good things out in people, even fights are fun adn have a nice ring to them. All i can ever do in Kings island is rekindle hope in life, and love for myself. But i do realize something is different about me.
Beside doing mroe perverted things. In my age, i am aquiring new feelings and thoughts. I use to only think sarcasticly and perversly in my head. But now i think i am actually falling for people like whitney, and not just the fake, "i want to be in love and feel more like a real person", kind of falling for i have had for a few years, but the kind, were i think about them, i can almost seeing being with them,holding them, everything kind adn beuatiful with a realationship like that, not the usual " i just want to get laid due to hormones" kind of thoughts i usually do. But whenever i meet some one, some one so much like me- "my perfect someone"- i am saddened, cause they end up with some one else, or like some one else; They are always, "some one else's perfect someone". I hope to god, that one day soon, i will find that perfect some one. Maybe just maybe they will help me to get out of this self destructive abyss i am in, and lessen it, for it use to only be with friendships and things like that, but it is spreading, school work,hobbies, interests, all of that i am self destructing on. I hope that my perfect some one, or hell even just a special other, will help me see the true light and change.
Even with out other,well actually because of others. I am starting to change though. I am becoming a better person. A bit kinder. Less violent. More creative. Calmer. Everything. I believe, honestly for the first time in a few years, i can change, no. I will change.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
A little insight
I do so many things i hate for doing. I purposly piss people off. I act perverted, and if dared to do something perverted , i do it to fufill my sick, twisted perverted desires. I look at porn,hentai, lemon fanfics, incest stories, all that, its sad, i will rant more later.