Thursday, October 25, 2007

A new line of posts!

I have decided i am going to batch of posts with my thoughts and views about all the people i know, and am good friends with. First up, since she is the only one reading these blogs besides my sis, so here i go, adn a one , two three.

Laura is a fun girl. She is smart, kind, and well, compared to most of the ho's,whores,and bitches poluting our school, cute. She has a bit of a temper. Her and I met in what was probaly one of the funnest ways i ever met a person. Around second quarter of Last year i belive, me and a friend were talking, and their friends were nearby, adn laura was hanging out with them. Well i said something, adn she said something that i belived dawned on her. So i responded with something barley realated to it, adn we continues exchanging random words. Thsi was the starts of what is known through are group as a "Random Fight". These are a few adn far between though, but when they happen, well, it is godamned fun. She has a "mild" cussing addiction, and threatining addiction. She usually just mouths the words to make it more dramatic,or because there are lots of people nearby. But she says the words out loud a lot.

She is a bit emo(not really, we just say this to piss her off), she loves scary music, adn reads stephen king books a lot.Realitivly speaking, she is one of my newest friends i have made, since i have only met whitney,Jessica, Emily, and the other tall blonde seventh grader since i met her. But they were all around the same general time.

She has fetishes for climbing tree's, stephen king, other good authors, long books that are painful when hit by, adn contain very pointed covers (THERE'S SUCH A THING AS PAPERBACKS WOMEN!). Her main friends she hangs out with are Clint, who has a crush on her, and lives close by, also who she trusts the most,and hangs out with the most. Maria, who is as i say *puts on gay voice* " Her best girlfriend" *does hand flip*, seh hangs out with her a lot, adn the two have many sleepovers, and due to maria saying " Get off of my laura." Has gotten involved in the ideas of me,clint, and taylor thinking she is part lesbian, along with maria and ashley. Also taylor, they really hang out since us five are a little group right now, we are pretty much a clique withing our own clique. Whitney & seventh graders are others, they hang out around lunch cause we bother the seventh graders before they leave, cause we barley see them the rest of the day. Oh and of course, me!

We have also concluded she was on drugs for sixth grade, adn quite a bit of seventh grade. Due to the fact seh had two boyfriends. One was Josh dragalla(sp?), he is a godzilla obsessed freak, who wears a black sweatshirt, adn a green one most everyday, he is like uber antisocial quiet often. Then her second was Scott, he is into explosions, CSI related things, Science, and stuff abotu nucluear weapons. I have no idea how she got with josh (that bastard has dated so many people, damn bastard, why cant i get a date.). But scott(once again, how does he get dates? I mena why can he, but not I get a date? well besides the hoar megan, but thats not the point? Why cant i get a date adn these tow can>.<>then on the seventh day, brandon could not take it anymore, adn he said " Okay. You like her, she likes you. Make it offcial already damnit!" And they did. So they lasted longer than i belive scott ever did, three weeks(Bastard lost me my bet, coulden't he have made one more week, shows what i get for rooting for him.), then they broke up. soon after came laura's... DA DA DA DA *suspensful music* ... EMO PERIOD. Yup soon after seh went all emo adn would not talk to us,a dn reverted to her old friends, who had stopped talkign to her(which is partially how she ended up with our clique). But hey that was because she was on withdrawl, so thats why she went uber emo. Thsi is why we belive seh is on drugs

I swear i love this girl like a sister, though she has one quality, one above them all , that i love teh most.

She is yet to strangle me adn then dump my body in a lake.

Yup she has not killed me yet, i know she has thought about it, adn after everything i have ever done, i dont blame her. Lets see, i recently stole her scary music, and she is going on withdrawl now. I ahev done evil dares, adn other things like that (making ehr do stripper dance on tree, even though i made her quit, cause i had to teach her the right way, and makin her kiss clint on cheek.) . I have poked her boob(it was a dare, i woulda lost fifty bucks if i didn't...BLAME CHASE!!!). I have made her twitch(what she doe when greatly disturbed) many times. I introduced ehr to clint, bringing out her yoai obsession, adn forcing her true colors as a pervert out. I have done so much, she isso close to killing me, i mean i have printed out her conversation between voice in her head and i am going to give them to friends, jsut to further piss her off. Oh wait, what? You want to see it? Okay!

-------------------------------------------------------------------Laura's con-------------------------------------------------------

Mmkay, so I really don't want to respond to a prompt right now, but I still want to write, so I think that I'll just ramble on about stuff, or maybe transcribe some of the conversations me and the people in my head have.

Mark: Hmm, what are you doing now?

Beatrice: Shut up shut up

Me: What, do you have a hang over or something?

Beatrice: -eyeroll- Bitch.

Mark: Hey, glad you didn't lose Scooby today.

Me: You really have to rub that in, don't you?

Beatrice: No, that's my job.

Me: -eyeroll- Bitch.

Mark: You know, it's good that Beatrice isn't real or else you two would kill each other.

Me & Beatrice: -nodnod-

Mark: That was scary.

Me & Beatrice: -nodnod-

Mark: -twitchs-

Me: That must be where I get that from.

Mark: Perhaps.

Beatrice: Why would you get it from Mark?

Me: Idiot. You two are just representitives of parts of my personality.

Beatrice: Are there any others around here?

Me: Oh, tons.

Beatrice: Any less annoying than you?

Me: -rolls eyes- Tons.

__________________________________end of laura's con____________________________________

Yup there it was, her adn those voices in her head, ahh fun. In case anyone who is reading this needs to know. I found that fine line with laura, adn i am crossing it, so between this and everything else, she is probaly gonna kill me soon, yup ^_^

Pablo: Senor, you are retarded, please get a life.

Me: Pablo , did you break out of my midn because of laura's con?

Pablo: that, adn because its quila's time of the month...

Me: Quila?!?!?!

P: my wife.


P: correct senor.

M:wow, i know so little about those in my mind.

P: Eighteen of us senor.

M: What the hell, okay i am going to end this soon.

P: it is long one senor

M: Well goodbye folks, until i put up mmy next segment on a friend.

P: and remember jump the fences...

Me: What the hell pablo no tellign them to-

_______________________________________transmission interupted, con over___________________

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