Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bored. So lets try to make life like a book!

Hmm, my friends say i am like dresden, and i agree. So lets see what my love life will be like...

laura would be elaine, first love and such, ended (though i hope to god it doesn't somehow be because she tried to kill me...) and then did not see each other for while, then met and became friends again....okay, so unless she tries to kill me this don't fit since me nad her are still friends...and ya know. She did not try to kill me and all...

Emily i guess would be susan...so that will end badly...ho shit. I'd be in trouble...

Who would be murphy 0.o i dun have anyone i am close to but won't date cause it won't work out...and ya know, i would live way longer or something....so yeh. Undisclosed for now.

then for number 4....hoh. Hot awesome boss who is badass, and gets put in a young body. Sweet. I'll take it....but after book 11....that'll fail...

Okay so besides personality we can say that dresden and i have few similarities xD

And hmm. Did nothing today...gonna make mike test my spellcaster deck with me.

Oh, burned more stuff yesterday. And halfway through Oliver escaped. I had to chase him. I would have wondered if i missed any chats, but before that YOU ALL ABANDONED ME FOR THAT DAMN SKYPE MEANIES! so yeh.

Can't wait for Saturday. Really truly want it.

new yugioh DS game is coming...i want it too T_T

Uhm. Bored. I should get ben and tay and scott to sleep over some time, like next week...

Uhm. Bro has first communion this sunday. Ew. Kill me plox.

And i think my meds kill emotions at beginning of day, and still a bit later. I have been feeling nothing much recently till later in day....that could be feeling horrible from allergies.

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