Do do do do la la la Chicken, ra ra ra, you guys know the drill of this place. I rant. Usually don't mean half. It keeps me sane.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
oOh. Blog. Yeh...
Uhm, pwning tactics, raping bioshock (on easy >.>) and nothing interesting happening. felt shitty todya, may be gettin sick. Was gonna write another part of story, but got lazy.
I am wierd, or so people say, i hide my true self behind a mask , a mask of certainty, but thats not me, i am really a calm onlooker, one who fits in no were. I have great friends, but i am always trying to distance myself, if i get to close to some one, i go self destruct, i go uber- perv, i try to sabatoge it, i try it all. I am an idiot, even if i have knowledge. I lack a real need to care. It is just who i am, and how i am.
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