Thursday, March 25, 2010


Instead of some insightful thing about random stuff:

One piece. Holy. Fucking. Shit. Is it even legal to pull so many plot twists in so short a time? But man, now Shanks came in. That is epic shit. But i love just how amazing the writing is. I mean, we have Luffy, his whole thing started with him being saved by Shanks and being entrusted with his signature hat. Then Luffy saved Coby who became his enemy to fight for what he believed in, after Luffy helped him to get there.Then in this present war with Coby's outburst to stand for what he believes in he ends up saving Luffy inadvertently. Then Shank's saves Coby himself and comes to finish the work of his fallen friend, and coming full circle he takes back the hat that has fallen from luffy (and is unscathed). Its jsut so bloody brilliant and well done, and not even in a cliched way.

Man, it was so epic that i am actually not even ferverently wanting new chapter. I am satisfied.

Though from Coby's outburst and lava-man trying to kill him, a part of me thinks he may have to leave marines, maybe join straw hat crew or train under Shanks?

Also this is epic topic

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