Sunday, February 6, 2011

hoo boy, sad when my rage o meter is raised about people i dont know. How i wish i could hit those people.

Though, part to myself is there. I want to continue, but damn, why is the first step such a bitch. Yeah, it should be easy, just like old times, eh? but man, you are always like this, you cant be more than caiutious when you feel there is some risk, any. Fight. Go forward. Tell her how you feel, try to fix everything. Once you break the habit, you can form a good one. God damn, it is obvious beyond measure what to do, do it. Dammit. do. It.

Heh, wow. But i am so pissed at him I actually mean it when i say i wanna punch him. Takes a lot to sincerly break my pacifism. And to do something i know would end with my ass kicked. But i would do it. Oh god i would, and savor it.

God, a little excersize helps a lot with stress relief, need to do this more.

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