Saturday, July 9, 2011

What the hell. So In my sleep deprived near drunk state something happened...

I realized I have replaced lost circle with bitchifiers.

I am actually having good plans to meet Alex and Zach and others.

And wierdly...I became a bit smitten with Alex's sister Sam. I mean. She is hot, hilarious, pretty, fun, and right around my age. Though it probably wont amount to anything.

...but Zach seems amused by our flirting. XD

But I had fun so much in it was when circle talked for hours. Guess I am moving on and starting anew.

I didn't realize just how amazing it was till I realized whit was jealous and reminded....

But I feel bad. Knowing I was making whit upset. And realizing that circle probably wont come back...hey. funny. I start a lot. Circle...hell. I think I ripped name of that's 70s show. But that was me. And I kinda started bitchifiers.

But God. This is good. And even if it is nothing someone who will flirt with out any issue...and I can find or get flings. Distract from romance, solve lust.

Potentially find romance...

But God. The fact that it would be hellish is making it more attractive.

Haha. I gotta stop loving what's bad.

And sex cookies. Nuff said

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