Friday, April 22, 2011

Heh, you know. Alex may be right. God, that optimism, all will be well, all that shit. So stupid on my part. It is all sucky, all of this life is pointless and sucks. Hell, a few thousand years from now as everything comes and gos we will all be forgotten. So pointless isnt it?

Life sucks shit. I wont get anywhere. Wont do anything. What is the damn point.

Hell, fun times, have to get these glasses to adjust, because for some fun reason my eyesight in right eye is fading fast -_- Eyes adjusting to it is giving me a headache and still not seeing any better -_- Useless shit.

Haha, such a fun pointless spectrum. God. I want out. I hate this.

I wihs i was working -_- Laura complains, and i do too. But hell, still better than dealing with people i know, isnt it sad?

Hehe. You know, now there are only two damn things in my life i find truly beautiful. And make me smile. That beautiful tree that i believe is a cherry blossom tree in my front yard. and that is only beautiful about a month or two if lucky. And a girl I cant fucking get. Grand eh?

Yet my problems are so little, so miniscule, so nothing. If i know this, and I know i have a great life otherwise....WHY AM I SO UPSET?!?!

God I hate this all...

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