Sunday, May 4, 2008

My "friends" are becoming horribly annoying.

Okay so most of yesterday i was with friends; and i just could not stop thinking about how annoying they are getting. They are all horrible people now a days, hypocrits, liers, theifs, putrid annoyances that can't see past tehir own little world that we all go to for hiding. I have some of those issues, but never as badly as all of them, i mean they complain about being hit when they do it all the time, they complain about thefts when they do it all the time, they complain about some one going emo when they do it all the time, they complain about some one snappinga t them when they do it all the time, they complain about clingyness, hugs, kissing, talking to some one even once when they want to, interuppting( even if they where not talking at all but wishing to), when they do it all of the time. I swear, at least i don't do that, i don't complain about being stlen from seeing as how i have done it many times, i complain when i am stolen from adn i have never done it to them. I just try not to be hypocritical, but all of them are, and it agrivates me. Also they brag and talk big, but when it gets down to it they refuse to do something; at least i deal with it, take care of it, and if i fail at it or can't do it i openly take blame instead of using excuses.
Also parents adn teachers are bugging me completly, also stupid ideals of society. I for one am a supporter of next to everything (incest,pedophilism, homosexuality, etc.,etc.) as long as both partys are willing. But why is it we instintly dub people as "dangerous" for certain things? I mean i was online and a pedophile was pleading his case and talked about how he had fantasies of children but would never do anything to one, and everyone dubbed him "dangerous" despite teh fact that he was obviously calm and in controll, and by how they where saying it any one who had fantasies about another person must obviously be a rapist or a pedophile rapist. Also the whole "appropriateness" and "bad language" rants that are going around are annoying. I mean i don't understand why sagging is "wrong" i mena if they want to do it, let them! I mean we can go and say "GOD DAMN YOU SON OF A FUCKING ASS HOLE BITCH!!!" with no reprecussions on the streets, but in certain area's if you sag you get fined. I mean we have mroe issue with that than the death penalty.
But so much is wrong with this world and it is affecting me horribly. I mean i usually have theses insightful, emo-ish, periods like this where i tend to make good writing -sometimes- once in a while, like maybe once a month, but they are becoming more and mroe frequent and more and more hateful. But i like it strangly. Hopefully somehthing will change, and i will get over this, or this batch of feelings will stay permanant. And all of my friends i hate oh so much will be just specs of my past like everyone else i ever cared about. Hopefully.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Strange, oh so very strange.

Man i am sick of life as i know it; except not from gloomy despair, but apathy and boredom. Why can't life be mroe interesting? I am just booooooooorrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddddddd, maybe since i am doing well; the lack of choas is a lack of entertainment. Bah, i am to lazy to type any mroe; i really need to be doing my work, oh well, meh, buh bye cruel world, i am off to work....not. But yaya for me, i think distancing is working, seeing as how i barely feel for my friends now, they are all just people almost to me, i guess. Maybe my solitude will end and i will feel different. Oh well i am into photography by the way now. And i really must leave. so bye.