Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I have been feeling good lately.

Haha, was at tays on the 4th. Slept over. He ended it with Laura and got with Rachel. And even though i loved him and Laura, i think he did the right thing. Something with him and Rachel...it was serene, it had the beuatiful fluidity. And it was so great, instead of how i usually am where i am a bit jealous of whoever he has, i felt a strange simplicity in it. I felt no jealousy, and seeing their closeness even after a bit, it felt almost as if i was part of it, and when he felt depressed after dumping laura, i felt a bit depressed too. God, how close have i gotten, i am empathizing fully with him....

Then i started a proud mode file. and i just have to say. OH MY FUCKING GOD! IT IS SO SIMPLE AND AMAZING AND EASY! Seriously, I SURVIVED LIKE 9 HITS! 9!!!!!!!!!!! Critical killed me in like 2! AND THAT IS JUST DUSKS! Although x as accept and attack, and circle as jump and cancel sucks. Really. I like other way around....

And have been getting closer to emily, i feel a....damn. I need to stop using serene as a description with romance....an eloquent alacrity with it, fuck yeh, I went there with funny words.

And people refuse to do math during summer xD

Uhm. After yugioh tournament i realized how bad my deck was doing against high tier decks...I know i shouldn't feel so awful but i do. Always kicked when i think i am at the top. It fails. But i will edit it. And get it great.

And got Jump ultimate stars. Fucking addicting...



Alex said...


Laura said...

Oh that makes a lot more sense now.