Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Well...this is a day to change shit.

Practically failed shit in school. Hate self a ton.

Foreveralonefest. Kelly and the girl he likes just...well she has no idea what she wants, and to solve may ignore him.

Will got dumped, and I think he is quite upset but wont talk to me...hope nothing bad happemed...

I used a roundabout way to ask Laura out...she gave me roundabout answer. Not sure what it is. Guessing no. So close to just saying it. Imma pussy.

Then I may now go to ohayo. Kinda hope I can stay with Barton, Laura, Cheyenne, and Morgan....

Though I know there will be drinking. Dunno if I want.

And I don't know if I can handle if Laura picks up a dude.

But why the fuck am I hypocritical on this. I've made out with people in recent times, and other shit. And if Larissa had not had cockblocking friend I'd have messed around with her at sugoi....

God. What am I doing. What do I want...

Oh well.

And its early. But...happy birthday Em...even though you wont read this. And it wont matter.

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