Thursday, November 5, 2009

day two of grounding.

Well. I actually have lost all urge to be online. I mostly did nothing. So i can just talk to people via phone. Haha, fuck you parents.

New jak game is cool, but his goatee is a secret?!?!? I HAVE TO BUY HIS EPIC GOATEE?!?!?! WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?!?!

Uhm. In bertke we explained our scarlet letters. You say name, what it is, and how life would be better. Mine was l for lazy, it went like this: "uhm, i am brandon, it is an l for lazy, and i am to lazy to explain the rest" and i went to my seat. Everyone laughed. Haha. Fuck you rigth way. Muahhaha.

Uhm. Been really energetic, and horny, like almost highish feeling. It is a tad annoying.

I Realize i feel sicker eating on meds than not eating...

Uhm. I wanna play new jak game, but gotta wait till bro gets here.

Gonna have to do homework more now T_T

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