Friday, January 14, 2011

Another blog, i must be getting back on a scheduele, oh no!

WEll, back into minecraft...

Lets face it. Its me hiding. Forgetting. Pretending. Longing for a world i will never have. A simplistic blocky world where i am at one with sheep.

But you know what i mean.

God. I still feel useless...Guess i am.

Fucking hell. I will be a drag tomorrow wont i.

What the fuck am i doing. Alienating rachel when i should be trying to make things right.

God...I am doing the fun little escape-to-internet friends thing.

I am pathetic eh.

But you know, who gives a fuck. I will get something. I will.

Being lost does not doom me. Does it. Hell. Ill find a way.

I miss the stars.

I....Am happy...hopeful...sad...anxious...worried....annoyed.

But you know...Bday in a few days...I dont feel anything about it. A year. Bleh. What is difference between now and 4 days later.

a year...


But man...Anxious for tomorrow with friends. Gonna probably hate family one like usual...but Summer will be there. <3 God i love that girl.

Man...Useless...happy....sad....what the hell is wrong with me?

But you know, fuck it, its my life. Ill lead it, even if it sucks shit. Cant mope, perservere, or somethin

I feel really selfish having a party still...I feel too old...

HAHA. God, irony eh. My whole thing for a while has been "Grasp what i have", trying to keep responsibility away, and all sorts of stuff. Now, now i am trying to move forward and grasp what i need and learn all that stuff.


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