Saturday, April 17, 2010

Not the greatest of days.

"But as tom learned rarely does reality coincide with expectations"

That line has been playing through my head...all everytime. But yeh, cold, tiredness, painful feet, that line being true to events, and lack of food/eating shitty food has been gettin to me.

And paco is getting fucking annoying with girls. He flirts with emily and jess a lot, and not just small things, its big as lack of respect almost sexual harrasment flirting some of the times. Many times its playing, but he still flirts a crap load and is serious flirting, nad does it right in front of me.

And i was tired but not depressed...until sitting in the park i came back after getting pizza and sat on a log in the bit of forest...I felt disgusted. The forest park was beautiful, one of the most gorgeous and great things i ever saw, it was perfect....And it was an arm, and the rest of the body was decapitated and gone. As i looked at the park where that forest had been, i hated it, a lot. The forest part...i never wanted to leave it. When ben dragged me out...i felt glad that he and emily cared enough...but i wanted to harm him and go back to my paradise, not wanting to abandon that sacred arm.

But something i am really glad and laura seem to really be mending. Maybe that friendship is not so long gone. I would not mind that, cause i really do love her, she is one hella friend. Even if we failed with romance, she is still one of the best friends i have had. Plus without her who would i torture miguel with?

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