Monday, March 15, 2010


Tired. Been gettin annoyed with a few things. And gettin really self critical as of late. Not good. Feelin really apathetic with a lot. Havent been wanting to do much of anythin beyond pokemon and FF. People just kinda buggin me. Dunno why. Eh, will probably disappear soon. I hope. But life keeps messin up everythin already...

And Reborn is slowly gettin ruined by the mafia thing, maria, fans, rabid yaoi fans, the fucking yaoi, dear god the yaoi, have i added yaoi?, and by itself (IS A DECENT FINAL BATTLE THAT HARD?!?! YOU MADE ALL THE OTHER BATTLES LONGER AND EXCITING!). Hope is still there though. Need new chapter.

More importantly i need One piece. God. Its really killing me. I hate teach so badly from a personal stand point. But when i see him, and can tell he is becoming the big antagonist, god, i love how brilliantly written he is. I mean, most villians that are the "nothing" coming into "overpowered" just happen. But with teach we see small transistion over long time, as he slowly followed a plan and he became incredibly powerful and went from a nothing to a big badass. And he is so damn dynamic, sometimes you think he can't tie his own shoes and then he pulls out an amazing master plan. Plus he carrys the will of D and that just gives him a connection to luffy and adds more to him being interesting. UGH. Need new one piece...

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