Friday, March 19, 2010

I dunno what to write about.

HAd few random happenings but nothin much. Uhm. Wow. 12 days and it will have been a year...i dunno what to do with that xD Will probably just try and hang out then. Uhm. WARMTH. I love it. Uhm. Em is hangin with lee and jess so she probably wont be talkin much today leavin me bored. So me and Ben are gonna try and hang with kasha downtown. I can get him some alone time and mooch free ice cream from him. Uhm. Uhm. Been really focused today thankfully. Uhm. Cant find my gamin urge for some reason, not yugioh, pokemon, or FF. Oh, Lee is actually becoming pretty damn cool. Now i am honestly thinkin me and him will become damned good friends. Which is good. I need another male friend, taylor failed out of that catagory. But he is actually looking good with JEss, and i am growin to like them, and he is playin along with my jokes and bein all around cool. I admit when i first met him any time he spoke i wanted to punch him in the face, but now that he ain't so uptight he is damned cool. Ya know. When i think about it a lot of my friends i wanted to punch in face when i first met them... odd. And uhm. Uhm. Ironically i realized that me and emily are willingly third wheelin ourselves lol. Her with Jess and Lee, though i hear paco invited himself over or something and they let him so his mom would make burgers or soemthing, and now i want burgers. Damnit. And i am purposfully doin it with ben and Kasha, but damn he has done it for me, and he deserves it.

And wow. Great wall of text. I blame OGTS. They shorted out my brain.

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