Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hmm, what to say.

Lets see, did two funny things.

We where talking bout a slave who saw whites for the first time and was freaked out during english, she then said "what would you guys do if aliens suddenly appeared and you couldn't communicate" or something to that stature, and i then quickly looked at Maria and Sam and did the vulcan peace sign xD

Then we where yelling "WE ARE" then the students "BELLBROOK" at a pep rally. After we are i yelled "SPAAAAAAAAAARTTTTTAAAAAAAAAAA" and mrs. bills looked at me and glared xD It was epic.

Wacking people with water bottle is fun.

I feel mehish recently.

Meds on overdrive, i am going insane~

I got no plans this week. Was gonna try something tommorow, but paco and leeland or whatever he is called beat me to it >.> Damn them, they be hijackin everything, xD stupid me being older xD Yaaay being left out. But, that just means more dissidia and FFIX time xDDDD

Me and louie are obsessed with dissidia.

Been talkin to phil a lot more.

Hrm. More dresden stuff out! I want storm front graphic novel, and the short story >.>

The newest dresden book has only one line released. And it is quite honestly one of hte most compelling and fastest starts ever.

two months and codex alera series finishes...

And yeh, that is all. I think. Maybe.

Oh. Whitney and Tay are now going out. Which will kill me. The Best friend side wishes them great luck, likes em together, and wants it to last. The Father Side hates that stupid boy, wants it to end, and hates it all. Stop making my sides conflict D:

Also. Megalixers are bitches to get.

And yeh...that is all now... i think...

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