Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What to report. What to do.

Hrm. Well. Got retainer just now, no issues cept it is giving me a lisp.

Lisp way: Hmm, well. Got reshainer just now no issues shept it is giving me a lissssssssssp.


Hrm. I am finding myself fallin more head over heels for emily, to the point where half the time i base what i do around her. Meant to try and maintain some control over thought. Oh well. It aint bad. And thinking about her and friends>>>>>>paying attention in class.

Oh. I did homework last night. I hated it. Why am i doing this D: I hate you school.

Farming to make Shantotto broken by saturday. It is a bit annoying.

Hmm. I found jessica will do most anything for a SEx-in-cookie-form-cookie

I am bored.


The game.

The end.

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