Tuesday, April 7, 2009

And the stress hits me....

God, well, i now understand so much. Adn i realize how awful i am. I realize now how much shit i put people through. And how cruel i can be without knowing...i don't even realize it and from that i mess up everything. I am distanced from family and friends...all i have are cards and games...i don't even know when i do it is what aggrivates me. Yay for life failing. God. I hate myself. I am sorry for all i have ever done...

Wow. I still haven't even recovered from past injuries. Or maybe since I sorta knew what was gonna be said before hand it was easier to accept. Oh well. Feeling better...but when the hell did Bren become the only person i can easily talk to about this shit....Scott is just distant....heh. That is how life works...I will take what i still have in life, appreciate it, and try to make everything work out. From my relationship to yugioh.

But to all i have done wrong. I apologize. and if i start acting really, utterly, horribly cruel, please tell me....if i am not doing one of my obvious teasing jokes, i typically don't even realize what i am doing, and am sorry for if i have done this. Because sadly i do it to those i am close to with out realizing it.

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