Monday, June 13, 2011


And recreate. That's what im doing. Forgetting morals with no true validation against drugs that don't deserve to be hated. Forgettting my love of anime and manga for comics. Hell. I've even quit trying to hold anger, I let it show and let it fly. Not always best thing to do. But im not holding it in. Im done trying to hide when I think people are hot, at least with parents or girls I like. Im done hating on the ideas of small flings, hell. I've talked bigger than I would ever do. I've never just made out with someone. Even though I've said so and people assume so. And im not hiding as much, flirting with people and happily enjoying that.

Hell. Even friends are resetting. Im still talking to Alex and Ben. But sadly I have gotten a bit distant. Laura and I still are close. Too much for comfort. But what is Jason, Nyquist, luke, Jacob mckeever, Alejandra, Zach, Keenon, will, Bryan, Hannah, except me resetting and retrying.

And yeah. I may sound horrible. But hell. Its change in life. And I knew most things wouldn't last even if I said I would. Dreamers dreams are not meant to be reality. And you know. I don't care if you guys judge me. Or think im bad. Im gonna enjoy this while it lasts, but im happy and if changing is what causes it. Then sobe it.

Ha. I wonder who actually reads this.

But you know. Its funny how accurate shows are to me. Sure now me and Laura will seem a loose end...but eventually it wont matter.

But ya know...not even trying to be hopeless romantic (when did romance begin ranking higher than sex?) I honestly think we could go somewhere with this all. Too bad.

Heh. Lets see where this all goes!

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