Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Wait, whut, this is 83 posts...dayum.

Okay, i got a lto of posts here now... Hmm. Quick summary: Day kinda sucked, but in fail-that-i-don't-care-way. A few bad pieces of shit here and there. Oh well. I hate having school. xD I have been unable to remember anything i have done or felt, when alone i am just gone...Only got yugioh and games there. No romance, lust, embarrassment, or anything. Uhm. Mom was sick so she called me and bro in sick. It ruled~ Got wifi for 360~

And i just realized, well have realized, forgotten, and realized again, not long after i said it was a change in the year, spring time, yadda yadda and i will change with it. I asked out Emily, now everyone else is starting to go out. Taylor hain and Jessica Lucas, Keene and Laura G., Whit and Ben, Alex and Bren, Sarah and Chase, and so on and so forth....either i started a trend, or i did a prediction....Ho....shit....am i clairavoyant...wait...oh damn....i made like 9001 end of the world predictions....Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

In other news I got awesome deals at tourney. We got five packs for 20 bucks, and made a deck to duel with out of them. Well. I pulled a few blackwing cards. And Blackwings are big. I traded a common for an ultra. A super for Solemn Judgement, which is like OMGH4X awesome and really rare and expensive. while the card i traded will go down. Then a crappy ultra fro a Rai Oh, anothether awesome card.

So i traded a dollar for 15, 25 for 35, and 5 for 15-20. Good deal if i do say so~ and I got a solemn~~~~~~~~~~~ *is outragously happy about that*

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