Monday, July 5, 2010

dammit...out of everything this is the first thing to utterly, truly, break me...

Heh...even when dumped and the taylor fiasco i never cried...I kept talking to people...But now i can't do anything but cry...

Heh...One thing i had to look forward to. One thing perfect. A con with my oldest and dearest cousin...Now it gets fucked up and she can't go...

Why the fuck does this always happen...Seriously life...I put up with all this shit, i dealt with all the stuff, I forgave taylor even though i shouldn't have given him a second chance, i support him and emily rather than be bad about it, I do all this other stuff to try and handle it...

Then this...

God why can't the things that truly mean the world to me ever fucking go right...

Screw this...I don't know why i bother with life....One thing i wanted, one thing i hoped for and planned for so many months...ruined...

I hate this all so much...So much...

Heh. Guess it is fucking true. My day is never complete until something goes wrong -_-

Fuck all of this...

and i am so upset at this point i cant talk to anyone, not even ben...

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