Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ah the boost and the crash....I hate the crash

Also Emily, the emotions be PMS'ing, only cause saying PMS'y emotions is easier than emotions-sporadically-changing-in-seconds-based-off-of-little-things-that-should-not-affect-me-so-much-and-happening-every-few-hours.

Hrm. Good first day. Glad to be back on meds. Even with the crash they make me think better, feel better, adn act better.

Been getting really annoyed with some stuff of couples, romance, and all that. Tryin to push it away as my cynic/jealous/single side. Though some of it is quite valid. But despite myself i am skipping on elaborating on the pet peeves. Always ends with hurt feelings, fights, me feelin bad, things said in anger, etc. and because i know i do some of those things too. Even if i am annoyed by it.

Kinda sad bout somethings i have realized. And other such things.

Lets see. School is overall good this year.

first study hall. Yay sleep and such.
SEcond period with Chase (Who i am becoming good friends with 0.o times do change), lee (Who i am really startin to trust and like more), and a few others. Also me and chase got our same seats from Comp Sci
3rd was same teacher, seems fun, made me and chase move up, wont let us stay in our spot D:
4th Parks <3
5th looking fun, though Ria and Laura where arguining over who got to sit in front of me
6th. Spanish, eh. Not looking forward to it. Not retaining well at all.
7th. Seems fun, likin AP lit too.

Hrm. Trying to keep myself with enough hope in life to not kill myself, but trying to stop from getting too much hope and setting myself up for destruction.

This crash is makin rational thoughts hard...

Wrote a whole chapter of story. Gonna start 2/3 tomorrow maybe.

Uhm. Dunno. Most of second lunch peeps together sorta. Lots of first. Interestin lunch. Wish all the others got there too. Specially rachel, just aint the same without her D:

Ugh, cant think much more. This was supposed to be better. but yeah. Decent first day.

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