Friday, June 12, 2009


It was fun, bowling, quit after first round to play cards. I feel as if i was pissing people off more than usual. Cause i am an idiotic douche at times. Oh. And me and clint= rape on cards. you know, i kinda envy taylor, he seems so damn natural in this world, everything he does, its fluid, smooth, and he just does it. My movements and acts, they are all stiff, i overthink it all. And if i just act on instinct i ruin stuff. I need to let instinct rule more. yesterday, whenever i slowed down and thought about it, i failed at serving. But i just let instinct take over, and did the motions with a fluid grace and served perfectly. But i always feel so uncomfortable with my body and everything, i guess that is why i like cards, i feel so at ease with card games, so natural. None of my actions are forced, the bluffs, mindgames, calculating, memorizing, counting, everything i can do and it all comes second nature and feels so simple and fluid. But everything else, all of htis world, it feels so stiff and rigid, and unnatural... Oh well....

1 comment:

Alex said...

One word to describe the caust:
Hoped that helped.