Wednesday, June 24, 2009


xD I had fun at pool. I became the rabbit raptor. Attacking people like a rabbit and raptor. Rachel joined me. God. I love Rachel, me and her get along, Final Fantasy siblings we are xD And if you show her a vivi shirt she squeels "vivi!" and hugs xD But That was fun, Rabbit Raptorness, gonna do it later. But haha, Rachel is fun to talk to, me and her are getting close~ Too bad she won't be at Ben's to RR with me.

And Laura. You are a cruel evil horrible bitch. YOU DONT DO THAT TO A GUY! AND YOUR AIM SUCKS! FUCKING ASSHOLE! *totally just being melodramatic* But that did hurt >.<

And Laura is leaving for 2 months, and bren is not talking for 2 months. The laura thing is kinda good, i think 2 months without us finding time to fight or argue will mend some issues we are having. But with Bren...i already am finding myself subconsciously forcing myself to hate him, to despise not care so i can't feel pain. I am gonna stop it best i can. Refuse to become a douche towards him. But God, i hate that i do this kinda shit as a defense. Why do i become even worse when i am scared, or threatened, or anything...

And helping Mike Make his deck better.

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