Monday, December 7, 2009


Finished Codex last week. Great series. A must read. Codex Alera, jim Butcher.

Urhm. KAsha replaced by a new girl. Like emily was.

Been obsessive about lily allen.

Hating how much of life is going. Worried bout shit. Yet over-ecstatic.

Might go to Regs on sunday...Dear god i hope so...

Urhm. REading 13 reasons why, its okay. Not the second coming of christ as everyone has made it out to be. Though super short. The average page is like a 5th a normal book page. Or i read outrageous books. *thinks about Atlas* okay probably second. But i have read bout hour nad a half and am halfway through.

Uhm. Bored. Not much to do.

Hating how i know everything some people are going through, and i went through it, but still can't help.

Hating Daughter beign sick D:

Nomming saint nick candy. And uhm, nuthin else

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