Saturday, May 14, 2011

the musings of an idiot

Its odd. So much is really. So much is changing. And so many odd things.

You know, despite how much I'm falling for Laura what I'm loving more is how close we are becoming, and even if I can't get her romantically, enjoying and being fine with just being friends. Sure it sucks shit...but we are so close.. I needed that eh?

But its funny how wierd I am. And annoying that I'm letting some stuff influence me. I hate idea of cigarettes and alcohol...yet am growing more certain ill try pot. And maybe getting drunk. Hypocritical eh?

But really weird is I feel like I'm getting stronger and could get much more. Also that I'd look good with more muscle. I honestly like how I look.

And you know. Its all odd. So much uncertainty. Still trying to grab past...but I think its fading still.

And funny. I've become bad with physical affection to non family. Hilarious eh?

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