Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Nothin much has been happening. Feelin a bit down, thinkin bout how much i have lost over the years. Only to realize how i like what has happened, and all the shit i went through is nothing but amazing. Sexual harrasment (Clint -_-), being hte harasser when i was way worse (god i hate what i use to be...), Heart break, Loss of friends, gaining of them, finding love, losing it, all the pains, the joys, it all shaped me. Made me an amazing person i am, and have helped me learn to adapt. Hell, even when pained the worst i have learned to sleep it off. I am glad for it all. Glad for my friends, my enemies, and those who have been both.

Carpe Diem. Seize the day. Live life to the fullest. Regret nothing. I still remember. I still follow.

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