Friday, March 6, 2009

oh noez. I has been banhammered.

Haha, my parents found facebook. Then my mom went and got overly pissed (pent up anger i am guessing) and deleted it (which is understandable) then tried to kill aim, blocked gaia, took PSP, laptop (which can only do word), and other such things.

Then my dad pissed me off truly and we had this convo

"And agnostic atheist."
"That is what is on your profile"
"It is what i believe..."
"Believe what you want but i rather it be unsaid than written"
"Because you should have enough common sense not to"

Hahaha. Thanks. With how you said it your essentially seemed to make Atheism out to be Nazism-esque. Oh and lacking common sense. Your right dad. Thinking there is some random thing in the sky controlling all is real, and saying Santa, Easter bunny, Dragons, and mythics are impossible under one common philosophy makes a whole ton of sense. And believing none of that stuff exists, but admitting it is possible makes no common sense....Thanks, i will keep that in mind while you slowly drive me into a depression. Thanks a fucking lot.

But after that I slept. And i have felt good...And i noticed today inhibitors have left me to a degree. Usually i am trying to be abit quiet and reserved, avoid attention, and stuff that i think makes me look like an idiot. But today in parks he was tlaking about bad handwriting and I started making a show, pointing towards myself (normally i would try to shrug off sam pointing at me and get irked). Then acting as if i won something when i was number 1. and yesterday i acted like a fool in english.

And me and laura have just been messing around, hanging out, and talking. Actually, i have been doing this with all my friends today. Actually, even with people i barely know i have been talking more and more. I mean i have talked to and gabbed with a few random people.

And in english with the sub i forced mike to swtich seats with me for the laughs.

And i am going on a date with Laura. So that is good.

And i found facebook can be re-activated, wii and friends houses mean playing on it, yay.

And i have become Scotty and Shelby's relationship ocunselor xD

And I realized i passed shelby like 20 times today xD

So yeh...wee.

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