Thursday, September 9, 2010

"Kick her in the balls!"

YEah, pilgrim quote. Deal with it.

Hrm. I dunno if it is meds or not, but i have been going from depressed to happy to pissed, etc. much more easily.

And gah, like everyone is going to homecoming...I kinda want to go...but i dont. It was pretty bad...and i know my complexs and other such stuff is going to easily put me over the edge...But i do like the outfit i had before, twas snazzy, and i did enjoy just takin pictures...

Gah. Indecision sucks.

ANd you know...I really miss the past. But i gotta stop moping...God emotions listen to reason. Grasp for a new future, or catch whatever of the past still exists.

Comic books are actually quite inspiring. Better than manga in quite a few ways.

Hrm. Sixth period is entertaining, Mason and Amanda are hilarious.

7th was fun.

Uhm. I gave Leland Fossils, who gave to Anna, and he made her hug me, she was quite awkard about it, kinda amusing...

Uhm. My moaning and ranting aside nothing else to add...


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